1. Tip of the week
Superpreneurs hate failure. Yet, when they face setbacks they have a remarkable capacity to rebuild themselves and become stronger. They take ownership of mistakes and pass credit for success up to their team.
2. Quote of the week
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” C. S. Lewis
3. Question of the week
When was the last time you give yourself permission to be wrong?
Build the World You Love!
PS: Join the Superpreneur Blueprint Club at https://mailchi.mp/21ce2f1a28c1/superpreneurblueprintclub
PSS: Want a FREE copy of my new very short e-book “7 Master Arts to Be a Superpreneur”? Just comment below with a “YES” or send me an email on fab@superpreneur.online and I’ll send you a copy. You’ll discover the seven master arts you must develop to be a remarkable entrepreneur and solve the World’s biggest problems.