1. Tip of the week
According to Jim Collins, “bullets are low-cost, low-risk, and low-distraction experiments.” Superpreneurs use bullets to validate quickly what will actually work. Then, they can focus on their resources to fire, what Jim Collins calls a cannonball, enabling large returns.
2. Quote of the week
“The idea is not to choose between bullets or cannonballs but to fire bullets first, then fire cannonballs.” – Jim Collins
3. Questions of the week
What are the bullets you can carry out in coming weeks? Which cannonball do you plan for this year?
Build the world you love!
Join my FREE Masterclass ”Becoming a Superpreneur to Solve the World’s Biggest Problems’’, on Friday 5 March at 10:00 GMT+2 by registering at www.bit.ly/super5march
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PSS: If you have not your copy yet of my booklet The 7 Master Arts to be A Superpreneur just email me fab@superpreneur.online.