The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 34 2020

1. Tip of the week

A superpreneur blueprint company is a service-minded company. This means serving the customer in a manner that will elicit a positive response, making the customer feel special. Service-minded companies are looking forward to helping their customers and finding solutions to their problems. In driving a flawless service-minded organization, start by defining your priorities (less is more), collect quantitative and qualitative data on a regular basis (daily or monthly) and carry on reviews to guide decisions and make corrective actions if needed. Make sure everyone is aligned with this mindset of service orientation.

2. Quote of the week

“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” Jeff Bezos

3. Questions of the week

What are the key elements appreciated by your customers?  Swiftness?  Politeness of your customer support staff?  Quality of the service or product?  What is less appreciated?  Where are the gaps that need to be addressed or some areas where effort must be put, or which is less valued?

Build the World You Love!

PS: Join the Superpreneur Blueprint Club at

PSS: Want a FREE copy of my new very short e-book “7 Master Arts to Be a Superpreneur”? Just comment below with a “YES” or send me an email on and I’ll send you a copy. You’ll discover the seven master arts you must develop to be a remarkable entrepreneur and solve the World’s biggest problems.


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