1. Tip of the week
High growth organizations need high growth individuals. Hence, your role as a superpreneur is to hire, develop and support high potential employees.
2. Quote of the week
“I want everyone inside of Microsoft to take that responsibility. This is not about top-line growth. This is not about bottom-line growth. This is about us individually having a growth mindset.” Satya Nadella
3. Question of the week
How can you cultivate a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset within your organization?
Build the World You Love!
PS: Join the Superpreneur Blueprint Club at https://mailchi.mp/21ce2f1a28c1/superpreneurblueprintclub
PSS: Want a FREE copy of my new very short e-book “7 Master Arts to Be a Superpreneur”? Just comment below with a “YES” or send me an email on fab@superpreneur.online and I’ll send you a copy. You’ll discover the seven master arts you must develop to be a remarkable entrepreneur and solve the World’s biggest problems.