1. Tip of the week
As 2020 comes to an end, take some time to reflect on what worked well in your life during the past year, as well as what didn’t work.
2. Quote of the week
“Study the past if you would define the future.” – Confucius
3. Question of the week
Which tiny change must you do in 2021 that will compound over the year to get you closer to your goals?
Thanks for following my weekly posts. Your support means a lot.
Happy holidays and build the World You Love!
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PSS: Want a FREE copy of my new very short e-book “7 Master Arts to Be a Superpreneur”? Just comment below with a “YES” or send me an email on fab@superpreneur.online and I’ll send you a copy. You’ll discover the seven master arts you must develop to be a remarkable entrepreneur and solve the World’s biggest problems.